Thursday, February 21, 2008

More for you Obama fans...


This note from my father-in-law, who met Barack Obama in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My FIL is a former television reporter-turned-Democratic activist. (Yes, I know I'm getting off topic from the gender/race dialogue, but I thought his comments were really interesting.)


Enjoyed your "dispatch" on the Obama rally. I met Obama last summer at a fundraiser here in G.R. It was organized by Patrick Miles, Jr., who Jim knows, and was held at the home of a retired, black OB-Gyn, Ralph Mathis. At the time, I was open to whatever Democrat I thought could win. So, I had not committed to any of them. I was blown away by Obama. Not only was he an inspiring speaker. He was a careful and considerate listener. He didn't simply participate in conversation, he completely engaged in discussion. He didn't let you get away with simply asking him what he thought, he insisted on knowing what you thought.

It was one of the most fascinating gatherings I have ever attended. As we walked away we looked at each other and said to each other, he could really do this. Been involved in his campaign ever since.


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