Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Julie's Dispatch from Obama Rally


(Since so many of you asked for a report when we got

Well, we did it. My mom and I went downtown Dallas
today to "Barack"
the vote. It was just amazing. Honestly. I was
literally brought to tears...but not by the stump
speech (very good and filled with new details) but by
the people who turned out. There were about 18,000 of
us...some of whom had been waiting in the que since 4
a.m. Fellow Blue Moonie Jane Jooset, an ex-pat from South Africa
energized by the thought of a real democracy, met us
on the roof of a parking deck where the line to enter
Reunion Arena snaked more than two hours long... We
were sandwiched behind a pack of cute frat boys from
TX Christian University, several Muslims in head
scarves, young black professionals, granola grannies,
a suburban Republican gone "Obamlican," freaky
teenagers with spiked hair and Hockaday prep school
girls in plaid kilts. While I was observing all this,
my 67-year-old liberal mother (who should be Hillary's
vote) was prattling on about the merits of a new
antique china cabinet Jim and I recently purchased...
It was just SURREAL. God Bless Texas...and Obama for
bringing so many different types of people in the Lone
Star State together. I really think he just might win
this thing...and do right by ALL of us.

Suburban Mama for Obama

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