Wednesday, June 4, 2008

awed, inspired...and a little hungover

Thanks to our Fairy Blogmother Holly for a truly illuminating discussion of the world of blogging last night. (Ooh, am I sounding too formal...too OLD MEDIA? Clearly, I need to let goooo of my neeeed for punctuation and grammatical order... I knead to gitwitit... Must admit, it is hard to do with haunting memories of Prof. Martha Dunsky still present... She put me on probation at Medill School of Journalism in '97 for my ineptness in her Syntax course and I've still not recovered... Actually, the history goes farther back: There's my third grade teacher Mrs. Anderson who nearly held me back a year and put me in the LOWEST READING GROUP at Ballard Elementary because I didn't "use the dictionary enough." See? THIS is why I feel like a cat being dragged into a swimming pool with this whole blogging bit. My inclination has always been to LET GO but nooo, the confining powers that be would not allow it and thus I was warped... I digress. Oh, did I digress? Maybe that's a SIGN that I'm gitinwitit. Seems there is hope after all for me in this world of New Media...) Ah-hem. But back to last night. I am just amazed, Holly, at all you've accomplished in six months... So impressive. And the possibilities of self publishing! (I'd think more about the possibilities but the glare of their shiny newness makes my head hurt after one stupid Mike's Hard Lemonade... Am pounding Diet Cokes to counteract its effect. Or is it affect? Martha would know. I will let gooo and ignore my impulse to grab my AP style guide and just push "post" now... " Thanks, H...and K. and L. and J. for the intrigue last night... I'll look forward to seeing you all at Liza's in July...